Friday, May 27, 2011

Homemade Nutella Recipe from Kidspot Kitchen

I found this cool homemade nutella recipe, while browsing for new family friendly recipes to try at home. This recipe caught my attention because I thought of the money that could be saved by making homemade products, instead of always buying reliable store brands. I haven't tried this recipe yet, but it seems like an easy one to follow. I guess it's time for me to invest in a food processor soon, so I can try cool recipes like this one. Check out the recipe below:

Homemade Nutella Recipe:
  • 2 cups of roasted hazelnuts without the skins
  • 1 cup of caster sugar
  • 1/4 cup of cocoa
  • 1/4 cup of almond or vegetable oil (I wonder if coconut oil would work)
  • 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract


In a food processor, process the hazelnuts until they turn to powder and then liquify. Add the sugar, cocoa and vanilla to the bowl. Slowly drizzle in the oil with the food processor running until you have a smooth consistency.

  • The natural oils in the nuts activates to make hazelnut butter in this recipe.
  • Make sure that you only add the oil half a teaspoon at a time and you stop the food processor to check the consistency.
  • You can use this to fill yummy cupcakes or just spread it on fresh bread or brioche.
  • Your end product may be a little grainy. No matter how much I processed this I couldn't make it entirely smooth.
  • This recipe was created by Jennifer Cheung for Kidspot, Australia's best recipe finder.

For more family friendly recipes, go to

if you have any family friendly recipes to share, please send them to, and I'll be happy to post them.

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