Sunday, May 16, 2010

Career Moms: Preparing for My Return to Work

Being a mom of multiples can be quite stressful at times, especially when mom has blogs to run, jobs to interview for, classes to pass, a weight loss plan to maintain, and a full sized family to look after. My days would be at the least overwhelming for the average person, and if it were a job most people probably wouldn't come back the next day. I knew my life was going to change dramatically with the addition of twin boys. Every aspect of my life is different now, and this blog is one of the many ways that I maintain my sanity. 

Finding a balance can be quite difficult at times, and I've learned that everything will not always go as planned. Soon I will be incorporating a return to work into my crazy schedule, and I will need to balance my papers for school around the children and the job. I am determined to get an Executive M.B.A. degree within the next few years. I returned to school six months after I had my two year old, and I attended part time during my pregnancy with the twins. I am now 8 classes away from graduation with an A.A., in Communications. Early next year, I'll begin my three year accelerated B.S. and M.B.A. program in eMarketing.

This Tuesday, will be my first day back to work in over a year, and I'm both excited and anxious about returning to work. I can't wait to have adult conversations again, but I know that I'm going to miss my babies. As much as I may complain, I enjoy singing songs with Marli and the boys everyday. I also enjoy teaching them new things because their little minds are like sponges. Not a day goes by in my house without practicing numbers, the alphabet, colors, shapes, and vocabulary words. Once I return to work, I'll have to maintain our daily fun and learning practices to keep a sense of normalcy for the children. I don't want them to ever feel like I'm too busy to spend quality time with them. Jason and I are very hands on with our children, because we don't have a lot of family close by to offer a helping hand. I would never want to weaken the bond that we built between our little family. 

I'm optimistic about my new career path, and the future that lies ahead, We have a lot of exciting things happening in the next few months. The next few weeks are going to be insane, but I'm sure that we'll be able to adjust. I'll let you all know how my first week went, next Sunday. Boy, I have to get used to having a full time work schedule again. I'm Super Mom! I can do this, and I got this. Bring it on!

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