Sunday, May 16, 2010

Career Moms: Preparing for My Return to Work

Being a mom of multiples can be quite stressful at times, especially when mom has blogs to run, jobs to interview for, classes to pass, a weight loss plan to maintain, and a full sized family to look after. My days would be at the least overwhelming for the average person, and if it were a job most people probably wouldn't come back the next day. I knew my life was going to change dramatically with the addition of twin boys. Every aspect of my life is different now, and this blog is one of the many ways that I maintain my sanity. 

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Makeshift Nail Salon in Hospital NICU

According to the L.A. Times, "officials have placed two Olive-View-UCLA Medical Center staffers on paid leave after "allegations that they had participated in a makeshift beauty salon atop medical equipment in the ward for high-risk newborns." And it gets weirder:
Perhaps not shockingly, this isn't the only instance of "substandard care" alleged against the neonatal ICU via anonymous tipsters. There are more general charges, apparently, of understaffing and incompetence. But the salon allegations are, somehow, especially damning.
Said the complaint, "nurses and doctors through the shift get their manicures, eye brows waxed and nails filed...The smell of acetone permeates the back area of the NICU." One doctor allegedly "had a French manicure right on the high frequency ventilator." So, yes, that does imply not merely presumed neglect of the baby patients, but also the presence of harsh chemicals - to say nothing of hot wax and files. Acetone is highly toxic to anyone; I wouldn't think you'd need to be a doctor to guess that it doesn't do the compromised immune systems of high-risk newborns any favors - but apparently scores of medical professionals were okay with it! Indeed, according to the LA Times, even members of the the hospital's' infectious disease staff were clients. Why not add a smoking lounge while they were at it? Wouldn't those babies have enjoyed a little gin with their formula?
In a statement, the hospital's CEO said,

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Patience and Potty Training

Big Girls Use the Potty!

I finally have my 2 year old on a regular potty training schedule, after a few months of her playing with the potty. Marli sits on the potty after each meal she has during the day, and once right before bedtime. At first, I was getting a little frustrated because she wouldn't sit on the potty long enough to actually do anything. Then once I got her to sit long enough, it seems like she would just hold it until I put a pamper back on her. This potty training thing was really starting to frustrate me, and having newborn twins to look after was not making the situation any easier.


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