Friday, April 9, 2010

The "Not so Cute" Temper Tantrum

My 23 month old daughter Marli is as cute as a button, with a personality that can light up any room. As we approach her second birthday next month, she is starting to develop a not so cute attitude accompanied by temper tantrums. Whenever she doesn't get her way, she begins to cry extremely loud while throwing her toys around. This is where parenting can get pretty tough, because a crying two year old combined with fussy twins can give anyone a run for their money. What I usually do to handle Marli's tantrums is calm her down with her bobo (pacifier, I know it's time for it to go), and tell her that it's okay to be frustrated, but it's not okay to throw things around. Once she's calmed down some, I have her help me pick up her toys so she can learn to clean up after herself. That method doesn't always work, and sometimes I have to step out of the room for a second to prevent my frustration levels from rising. My days are pretty tough with twins and a toddler at home, I am still learning new tips to help me get through my days.

For the most part, Marli is a good girl. I know that the birth of her twin brothers was pretty rough for her, because she was so young at the time that they were born. To our surprise, she adjusted pretty well. Marli has been playing with her brothers and kissing them like Elmo, since they came home from the hospital. I include Marli in everything that I do for the boys, while making sure to make time for her and I to do things together. Everyday, we sing, dance, color, read, count, and sometimes we even play Wonder Pets. She surprises me everyday with how fast she learns new things. She can say her alphabet, count to twenty, and she's pretty good at matching games (Thanks PBSKids). My pediatrician says that she is very advanced for her age. Do you find that children who are a little advance for their age, tend to be more rambunctious in their toddler years? How do some of you other moms of multiples deal with your toddler's temper tantrums? Feel free to share your tips by commenting below.

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